April 07, 2011

Homemade Caramel Popcorn

Every Tuesday evening all the ladies from my Sunday School class come over for Bible Study.  We meet at 6:30 so a lot of the ladies are coming straight from work so I always try and have a little snack ready for them.  I'm always trying to think of something yummy yet inexpensive to make so I stumbled upon a recipe for Caramel Popcorn.  I already had everything needed to make it.  

Here is what you need:

1 bag of popcorn
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup butter
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda

What to do:
1.  Pop the popcorn. Separate the popped kernels from any of the unpopped kernels. You don't want anybody breaking a tooth. 

2. Prepare an area to receive the hot coated popcorn.  Layout wax paper on a cookie sheet and spray with cooking spray to prevent the caramel corn from sticking.

3. In medium sauce pan combine brown sugar, corn syrup, butter, and salt. Bring to a boil over medium heat stirring constantly. Stop stirring. Boil for (4) minutes. Remove from heat, stir in baking soda and vanilla. It will become bubblely. Stir until the baking soda is completely dissolved.
4. Pour over popcorn.  Stir thoroughly to completely coat the popcorn. Pour the caramel onto the wax paper where you already have your popcorn spread out.  Allow to cool...although I couldn't wait and it was really yummy while it was still warm.

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